Our country, the United States of America, is a great country. And there are many people and countries that would wish us harm, destruction and a cessation to our way of life.
As such, we need to be prepared with well-educated citizens working as a part of our government efforts in the various political, justice, and intelligence organizations to protect us from those wishing us to disappear.
Maury Gralnek was such an individual, dedicating his life as a public servant serving in the US Military and US State Department, helping to keep our country safe at the highest levels of government, and serving the free world. His desire was that individuals who serve be among the brightest and knowledgeable, maintaining the principles upon which we were founded back in 1776.
Maury Gralnek served for many years as Chairperson of the “Association of Former Intelligence Officers Association, Arizona Chapter (AFIO AZ)” Scholarship Committee. He and his committee reviewed the application of many individuals who were candidates for the chapters limited scholarship funds. He along with other members recognized the need to have a better vehicle for fund raising and providing the proper recognition to donors. And so this Foundation was created on his passing.
Most importantly, by your support, this worthy goal can be continued and expanded, accomplishing these important and critical objectives.